Santa on the Green a Big Hit!
Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus visited Hudson on a perfect December day on Saturday, December 5, 2015. They arrived by firetruck at 9am and invited boys and girls to visit them at the Gazebo. The Rotary Club of Hudson sponsored this event as they have done annually for many years. Rotarian Ed Sogan the committee chair reported that children of 140 families had a chance to give their gift wishes to Santa. Over 30 Rotarians participated as Elves passing out tickets, hot chocolate and candy canes. Tickets were available at 8:00am and were “sold out” by 9:30. The ticket process allows families to visit the downtown area and not wait in a long line to see Santa. Special thanks to our Santa families Jack Belby, Sandy Rexroad, an d Sharon and Gene Blackford. Also a big thanks to Hudson’s Restaurant for donating the hot chocolate and to the Hudson Fire Department for providing the early morning transportation to the Green for Mr. and Mrs. Claus.