Our exchange student Jasiek Dolkowski arrived from Olsztyn, Poland for his year in Hudson High School. 

Jasiek (pronounced ya-shick) arrived in early August to spend his school year in the United States. His first host parents are Russ and Ellen Ackerman whose daughter Casie is now spending her school year in Aracatuba, Brazil. Jasiek will be a junior at Hudson High School and will be studying his favorite subjects math, physics, and music among other subjects. Jasiek had a busy first week in Hudson including going water skiing, the movies, downtown Cleveland, Cedar Point and meeting lots of Hudson people. Some of his first impressions were that everyone lives in single family homes (and not apartment buildings) and how nice and helpful everyone is in Hudson. While at home in Poland Jasiek plays the drums in his band called We all Eat Clouds.
Pictured below is Jasiek with his "sister" Moira a student at Hudson Middle School.