The Rotary Club of Hudson staged a Club dinner at the Blue Canyon restaurant to conclude the 2021 fiscal year, install a new President and celebrate two Rotary award winners. The past year was difficult for the Club with the loss of members and spouses, but President Marilyn Orr skillfully led the club to a higher level of planning, programming and membership, all without face to face meetings. Incoming President Patrick Scherer will return the Club to in person meetings at the new Hudson Meadows Retirement Community and re-institute the 36 year Annual Gala tradition with a dinner and auction at the Hilton Garden Inn on May 20, 2022.
The Rotary Club of Hudson staged a Club dinner at the Blue Canyon restaurant to conclude the 2021 fiscal year, install a new President and celebrate two Rotary award winners. The past year was difficult for the Club with the loss of members and spouses, but President Marilyn Orr skillfully led the club to a higher level of planning, programming and membership, all without face to face meetings. Incoming President Patrick Scherer will return the Club to in person meetings at the new Hudson Meadows Retirement Community and re-institute the 36 year Annual Gala tradition with a dinner and auction at the Hilton Garden Inn on May 20, 2022.
In 2015, the Rotary Club of Hudson established the Jimmy Sutphin Award to recognize a deserving Hudson community leader who closely reflects the Rotary “Service Above Self” standard. The initial recipient was Jimmy “Inky” Sutphin, a friend and colleague of both the Rotary Club and the Hudson community. Jimmy was universally loved by local citizens who benefited by his communication skills and empathy for all he encountered. (Pictured: New President Patrick Scherer being inducted by 57 year Rotarian Joseph Zapytowski)
The 2021 Sutphin Award once again recognizes a Hudson leader who has made a difference in so many lives in our community. Marty Hills, wife of Rotary Past President Bob Hills, is a long time volunteer in Hudson and the originator of the community’s Random Act of Kindness. The Hudson League for Service and the Hudson Service Learning class at HHS both continue her legacy annually and she is well known for her extensive volunteerism as a member of the Hudson Congregational Church. Marty also served as President of the Hudson School Board and along with husband Bob was instrumental in having the Lavelli Stadium funded and built. She also served several terms on the Hudson City Council. In addition to the Sutphin Award, Marty received Rotary International’s Paul Harris award for lifetime contributions. (Pictured: President Marilyn Orr presenting the Sutphin Award to Marty Hills)
The Rotarian of the Year award for 2021 was bestowed upon James Field, HHS Board member, who deftly handled the Club’s adoption of Zoom meetings for the weekly sessions and Rotary committee meetings. James kept all weekly speakers informed of meeting procedures and then transmitted the videoed sessions to Hudson’s HCTV for broadcast during the following week. Based on James’s skilled work, many excellent speakers were introduced to the Hudson community during the past year. The Club will continue its weekly Zoom coverage while meeting in person on Wednesdays at 7:00 a.m. Check the Rotary website for the upcoming speakers and to review news about the Club’s growing membership. (Pictured: James Field holding the Rotarian of the Year Award)