In light of the health directives responding to the Coronavirus pandemic, our Board of Directors has just made a decision to reschedule the Gala from May to October. We fully appreciate the severity of the risks to the health and economic vitality of our community. We also feel that we all have more important concerns facing us right now and, therefore, the decision was appropriate to postpone our event.
The Gala is the major fund raising vehicle of The Rotary Club of Hudson. It allows us to continue our 90 year tradition of supporting children, safety services, the elderly, college-bound students and many other community activities. We also assist with charitable projects throughout NE Ohio and the World. Every year we are honored and humbled by the overwhelming support from businesses, foundations and individuals within our community. We thank you for your understanding and will be back in touch when this time of trouble has passed. We look forward to working together to strengthen our community.
Best Regards,
Kris Barker, Co-Chair Marilyn Orr, Co-Chair
330-810-8531 513-236-8505