Check out an internet with Jasiek Dolkowski, the exchange student that is participating in the Youth Exchange Program with Hudson High School.
- How do the Hudson and Cleveland areas compare to your hometown of Olstyn, Poland? “The landscape is similar--Olstyn is in the green region of 1000 lakes. Olstyn has 600,000 residents, but, unlike Hudson, 80% live in apartments and there is little community socialization. Hudson is much more friendly.”
- What cultural differences did you notice in high school life? “In Poland school is strictly for education and a dress code is followed. There are no school sports, only outside clubs for each sport. You stay with your own educational group--no general assemblies or social activities.”
- Are high school teaching methods different from your school in Poland? “In Hudson the teachers are your friend, concerned for your success. In Poland the teachers are elite and indifferent quick to punish for under achievement. Universities in Poland are free, but high school students have to pass multiple tests to be admitted.”
- How does the HHS math and physics curriculum compare to your HS in Poland? “It is much harder in Poland with math integrated with most other subjects”. I like the HHS one year concentrated approach better.”
- Describe living with host families. What did you learn from them? “I saw how the families raised their children and recognized different standards in each home. I learned how households were managed. I loved having siblings-I am an only child of divorced parents”.
- Have you been involved with music while in Hudson? How? “No, because I couldn’t read music. I am a drummer in a rock band in Poland that plays concerts.”
- Will you continue with your band “We All Eat Clouds” when you return to Poland?“Yes, and my mother loves it!”
- What plans do you have for university? In the USA, Poland or elsewhere? ”My choice is the Warsaw School of Economics, but I can’t apply until I complete my HS final exams. The entrance standards are very high.”
- What observations have you made regarding Hudson students and parents? “I feel that HHS treats students too much like kids. There are too many choices of classes and changes are too readily accommodated. In Poland, you must make your HS curriculum choices in middle school. There is a much more serious pursuit of your goals in life.”
- What advice would you offer to future exchange students? “I advise exchange students not to be shy or concerned about communicating. I suggest talking to as many people as possible and I found that most people will help with the communications exchange.”